On Thu, 4 Sep 2008, Ichthyostega wrote:
> throughput, i.e. the bare speed of the system. So, generally
> it's a tradeoff: do you need maximum speed, or do you need
> the system to reliably react within a certain timespan?

Another point worth emphasizing is that RT kernels are designed for
*predictable* latency, possibly even more so than just *low* latency.  The
average non-RT kernel may be very fast to respond to a given system call
99 times out of 100, but then takes much longer 1% of the time.  You can't
have that if you're feeding a buffer for audio (or CD burning, or a few
other activities); so you need a kernel that will have a fixed upper limit
on how long it takes to respond to the call.  Even if the upper limit is
not such a great response time, being able to guarantee no MORE delay than
the limit is useful in planning how often you can afford to make the call.
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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