I noticed artistx did not list cinelerra in their online documentation but
it is included.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Daniel Jircik <djir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Take a look at ArtistX it's debian based and has everything you need and
> then some. It also runs as a live disk. That way you can see if you are
> having any hardware issues before installing to hard drive.
> http://www.artistx.org/site2/
> If you want to build from scratch I wrote a script awhile back (I'm not a
> programer) that works fairly well installing the entire debian multimedia
> repo with keys etc. Takes forever though.
> http://reggaecobras.com/linuxvideo/
> I would echo Christian in that you should stay away from hd and concentrate
> on SD as you are working with 32 bit machines.
> ciao
> Daniel
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Christian Thaeter <c...@pipapo.org> wrote:
>> Kurt Georg Hooss wrote:
>> > sorry if a bit off-topic, hope not too far off.
>> > starting in september, i have to teach video production
>> > in a literature class 12 (20 to 35 students around 18 years old).
>> >
>> > obviously, an open-source production pipeline is best suited
>> > (thanks raffa & christian for arguments). the school seems ready
>> > to install everything necessary on a number of p4 (32bit) machines.
>> I hope they have at least 1GB memory, better more.
>> >
>> > up to now, all machines can boot windows from a central server,
>> > and i have seen there is a (not-working) ubuntu test installation too
>> > which they said could be improved or replaced by something reasonable.
>> >
>> > ubuntu studio looks promising but has no cinelerra in it,
>> > so some number of things must be additionally installed anyway.
>> > is there any other distro that you can recommend for the purpose?
>> >
>> > for example, i have good experience with suse 10.3 (kde 3.5, quite
>> stable),
>> > however i had to install cin+codecs and lots of things from packman,
>> > but all that is fairly reproducible so i will probably go for that.
>> I have debian lenny + debian-multimedia which has cinelerra packaged. I
>> didnt even checked if thats the newest version, prolly not, but it works
>> resonable well for me.
>> >
>> > so far, the school has no camera. they are ready to get some
>> > and asked me to tell them what i need. so, what do you think i should
>> order?
>> > how many? and what model? please advise.
>> as soon uwiki becomes useable I would like to make a open hardware
>> exchange plattform. Just some structured wiki pages where people can
>> announce what unused hardware they can offer (and for what conditions)
>> and on the other side what people would like to have. That all voluntary
>> and just as platform to come together, no commercial intent and no ebay
>> like pseudo auction.
>> Otherwise, I guess raffa can give the best advice on hardware, you
>> certainly dont need 25 cameras, 1-2 reasonable cheap consumer models
>> would prolly do. Considering that you can't have the best possible
>> hardware, I'd also suggest to work with SD (PAL/DV) footage only, dont
>> even think about HD.
>> You'll certainly need quite some harddisk space to archive your footage.
>> Some central server with a lot of space (I really recommend raid for
>> disk redundancy here) would do this with as much hd space as you can
>> afford (thinking about 1TB 3x500GB disks as software raid5 have a good
>> price point currently, maybe more when you can afford it), then your
>> classroom machines may use older/smaller/existing disks prolly anything
>> >80GB will work for smaller projects. For performance reasons the
>> students likely have to copy their footage to their machines, or you use
>> some local caching filesystem, AFS comes in mind here, but needs someone
>> who knows how to administrate it.
>> Dunno if this suggestions help, a lot things are quite variable
>> depending on what exactly you want to do and if this courses will hold
>> more often and thus investment in hardware and software (administration)
>>  will make sense in the long run.
>>        Christian
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