Hello everybody

Having some trouble I checked the webarchive but found mainly a lot of which
is code I pressume. I cannot even read it. In the dark ages of computers I
learned some programming in basic, that's all. I am also new to video
I want to use video and Cinelerra for motion analysis in sports. Yet I
haven't been successful in producing any usable clips for that purpose.
According to advise on the web I captured with Kino in Quicktime format.
I use a Sony dv camcorder with interlace (PAL)
Searching the web I already found Cinelerra by default uses the wrong field
order, which I found to break chronology of frames when using the field to
frame effect.

What I want is doubling framerate, change fieldorder, field to frames,
interpolate to full frames, stabilize the subject, render it, give the
individual clips a name and store them in a database. Having done that I can
analyze sport movements in slow motion or frame by frame in 50 frames per
second resolution.

My questions;
 is this the right sequence, or should I change the order of actions?
 can I do all this in a single pass, it is called a pipe if I got it right,
or should I have multiple passes?
 In the preferences for playback I found a setting for playback of 16 frames
per foot. I presume if I set this to 32 it will give me 50 frames per
second, but will it work to for rendering in 50 fps or does it work only for
 How can I change fieldorder ? (The manual says nothing about it and
although I found some remarks on the web of the wrong field order I found
nothing about how to change it.)

As I am not a coder I cannot be of any help in developing Cinelerra, but
possibly I can contribute to improving the manual so that other dummy's like
me more easy learn to work with it.

With kind regards, Gerrit

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