Quoting msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca:

On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Gerrit de Jong wrote:
 In the preferences for playback I found a setting for playback of 16 frames
per foot. I presume if I set this to 32 it will give me 50 frames per
second, but will it work to for rendering in 50 fps or does it work only for

I don't think that's what you want.  You have a choice of what units to
use for displaying the location in the user interface - for instance, you
could display it by minutes and fractional seconds, or by minutes,
seconds, and frames.  One of the choices is to display it by "feet" as if
you were editing physical film.  (I imagine there are people who were
trained on physical film editing and are accustomed to thinking in terms
of feet.)  Because there are different film standards, you can choose
which one to simulate by choosing a different number of frames per foot.
But that only changes THE NUMBERS YOU SEE ON THE TIMELINE, and even those
only if you also choose the "feet" option for how to display the numbers.
The amount of time it really takes to play a clip has nothing to do with
the units of measure you select for the display.

It's like choosing whether you will weigh something in kilograms or
pounds, and then choosing how many grams you will say are in a kilogram.
You get different numbers depending on the choices you make, and they will
be nonsense if you choose a strange number of grams per kilogram, but
nothing actually gets heavier or lighter just because you changed your
measurement standard.

Sorry I don't have any positive suggestions on the field issues; those
are unclear to me, too.  But I'm sure changing the "frames per foot"
setting won't help you.

Dean Ashby had mucked around with Reframe RT and it sounded like that was closer to what you want. However, it was giving him fits so there may be some work to do with it.

Tom King

"Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations." --Albert Einstein

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