Am 24.10.2010 18:06, schrieb Simeon Völkel:
I've merged these commits over into my repo[1] and would like to ask you to
pull these changes (everything from october, starting with [2], except for
the one commit[3] which states that it is not for CinCV) over into the
official CinCV repo.

Thanks, will review and merge the commits, but on Tuesday at the earliest because I'm away from my regular workplace ATM.

Furthermore, we (Monty and I) would like to increase CinelerraCV's version
counter to 2.1.5 to reflect these sometimes very fundamental bugfixes
(mainly audio- and rounding-related). As soon as we can merge Monty's
ffmpeg-loader, something from Cin4.xHV or any change that goes beyond pure
bugfixing the version number shall be increased to 2.2 (as long
as nobody demurs ;-)).

Sounds reasonable!

-- Hannes

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