> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio
> Controller (rev 02)
> The driver is obviously snd_hda_intel.

Yes.  This is a well behaved driver (even if some people don;t like
the hw interface much :-) and I have examples of it here.

>> The change to ALSA, BTW, was simply to move the latency calculation to
>> where it actually reflected the buffer fill; the old code was always
>> one fragment off because it calculated latency not accounting for the
>> fragment it was about to write.  Does the old code have proper sync
>> for you if you set the fragment size to something large?
> Audio is not well synchronized. With a "Playback buffer size" of 16384 it is
> awful, and much better with 4096, but not perfect. With your patch
> and "Disable hardware synch" switched off, synchronization is very good,
> regardless of the buffer size. But there is this jerky video that catches up
> with the audio only after a few seconds.

Hm, this does potentially sound like 'now that sync is working, it has
broken something else'...

What specific format is the input you're testing with?  What is the
relative power of the hardware and is it multicore?  What kind of disk

In all versions of Cinelerra, I've seen very bad behavior on the
beginning of playback depending on the input format and project
specifics.  For example, before I made the YUV4MPEG fixes, I would
regularly have the beginning of playback place so much instantaneous
load on the machine that it would render the UI fully unresponsive
until it had finished building indexes and fill the cache (all the
time juttering and stuttering as it tried to play back under the
massive work-ahead).  And upon every track transition, the same thing
would happen again as it would OMG NEW TRACK! and hose the machine
into the ground again filling caches.

In short, Cinelerra has a 'stampede' problem, made much worse by the
massive multithreading.  I do not know if this is underlying your
problem, but it might be (eg, it's trying to load an index on demand
while playback proceeds).  The working sync may simply be giving
enough accurate timing information that it is suddenly trying to hold
sync through the load spike where it wasn't before (causing it to shed
lots of frames).  I'm not at all convinced this is the case, I'm

Ah!  I have an idea.

I assume you have a camera that works well with Cinelerra.... can you
take a video of the problem in progress and send it to me? :-)  That
will end alot of guessing and hard-to-describe nature of the behavior.

> The playback cursor does jump around while the video lags behind.

Forward and backwards or only forward?  jumping backwards is very
unusual unless the audio is also skipping.


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