Herman Robak schrieb:
> From: "Sape Sikkema (Telfort)" <s.sikk...@telfort.nl> Subject: Jerky
> movements in rendered movies I encounter regular jerky movements in the
> viewer window as well as in the rendered output file.

> *Video Format
> : MPEG Video*
> : Version 2*

Hi Sape Sikkema,

just from skimming through your description I can't see what the problem could
be. But I myself worked with MPEG-2 video right in cinlelerra for quite some
time. Playback may stutter when the system is overloaded (in my case that
was HDV video, so the system was overloaded with anything beyond a single
stream). But, either if you single-step through your material, or if
you render it, the results should work 100% perfect.

Thus I'd propose to concentrate on the input fromat, and how to get it
into Cinelerra first. That is also because the output side provides a lot
of options and unfortunately there isn't just an option in Cinelerra
"make me a DVD with maxium quality". That is one of the most frequently
requested features, there was even a bounty set on this, but thats
another topic alltogether...

For me, there where one key hurdle to get the (in my case HDV) MPEG video
into Cinelerra: Cinelerra seemed to get problems with addressing single
frames in the MPEG-TS. There is an external tool shipped with Cinelelerra:


This needs to be run *once* on your material, preferably in right in the
folder where the media files will reside throughout the project. This tool
then generates an "index" file, which can be used by cinelerra for frame
accurate addressing. This file has the same name as the original file,
but with extension *.toc. And pleas note: you then import *this TOC file*
into cinelerra. The TOC internally records the path where the original
media resides.
After performing this procedure once (takes some time), I had no problems
working frame accurately right on the original footage without quality loss.

I don't know it this addresses your problem, but its worth a try.
hope that helps...

Hermann Vosseler

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