Hi all, I have been using Cinelerra to do video for a couple years. I really like the program I like the way it feels and looks. I really like the camera and projector features a lot. I do have a now and then problem with sound and maybe someone can help me with it. A little about my system is: I have a 2003 Hp box with an asus mother board dual core Amd 64 bit. I am running Ubuntu 10.04 with the standard kernel. A sound problem I have is that if I put a sound file on the time line and click on the farthest end from zero to shorten the clip it seems to move the beginning toward zero though it is not visible on the time line. It begins playing the clip the amount I shortened the clip at the front end although it is not visible there. Not only that even If I delete the track and reinstall the audio file I end up with the sound way ahead of the visable track. Some times the sound may even be before zero on the time line. I am using drag and drop to install the sound file one the track. Maybe this is wrong?? My work around is to make a clip exactly the length I want and place it on the timeline. This works but is a little unhandy as the first clip I make is usually not exactly the length I want and I have to make a second one. I feel that there is a problem with this in Cinelerra or I am doing something wrong as this is an old problem for me and have this problem with several different installs of the program. I would like to be able tho drag the file to shorten it just for convince sake. If any more info is need please let me know so I can supply it or if someone knows of a link can get a solution at. Thanks, Doug

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