Il giorno dom, 09/01/2011 alle 10.31 -0500, Douglas Pollard ha scritto:

> A sound problem I have is that if I put a sound file on the time 
> line and click on the farthest end from zero to shorten the clip it 
> seems to move the beginning toward zero though it is not visible on the 
> time line.  It begins playing the clip the amount I shortened the clip 
> at the front end although it is not visible there. Not only that even If 
> I delete the track and reinstall the audio file  I end up with the sound 
> way ahead of the visable track. Some times the sound may even be before 
> zero on the time line. I am using drag and drop to install the sound 
> file one the track.  Maybe this is wrong??
>       My work around is to  make a clip exactly the length I want and 
> place it on the timeline.  This works  but is a little unhandy as the 
> first clip I make is usually not exactly the length I want and I have to 
> make a second one.

This commonly happens if the sound file is compressed, e.g. in MP3.
AFAIK, using .wav sound files this problem doesn't occur.

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