You can get it from the adresse below. I also use 10,04. It's ppa installation that wor very well.

There are explanations if you don't know how.

There is also 4,2 version from josepkey :

cinelerra 4.2

unzip and
run cinelerra

If anyone is interested.


Le 12/02/2011 23:49, sergio dominguez a écrit :
I have tryed to get cinelerra from synaptics but is not there to install
what can I do or check to get it
thank you.

I am using ubuntu licid linx (10.04)

"Somos existencia atrapados en apariencia, y acostumbrados a vivir y apensar estimulados vanamente por la masiva conciencia que nos ahoga, distrae, adormece y ademas nos priva de ser y sentir la verdadera escencia producto de una autentica existencia que solo se da por la humilde sabiduria o la pura experiencia."

Que viva la vida y su Creador!!!
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