There is a "how to" on the launchpad page for ppa in which end up the same way. I did it and cinelerra is on synaptics

Le 15/02/2011 01:06, Nicola Ferralis a écrit :

I am not sure you if you are referring to the cinelerra-ppa. If so, you should NOT install install cinelerra by download the packages from the cinelerra-ppa webpage. You instead should proceed and install the cinelerra package through synaptic (or apt-get). This way you are guaranteed to have a properly functioning cinelerra, and all future updates will be delivered automatically through your update manager.

To do so

1. open synaptic package manager
2.  select the menu settings-repositories
3.  select the "other software" tab
4. push the "add..." button
5. type:


6. Click add source. Reload the archives.
7. In synaptic, search for cinelerra, select for installation and install.
8. Enjoy.

Please let me know if you have any other question.


Subject: Re: [CinCV] can not download or get cinelerra
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 00:37:37 +0100

Hallo Haldun

>Thank you for the adresses. I have cinelerra downloaded now. There are another 5 packages on the repo. Which ones are >necessary/recommended and which ones can I neglect?

>>There is only one for 10,04 the ppa one. for V 2,1,5 and on megaupload 4−2 version WORK FOR 10,04 ALSO.

The other 5 packages look like plugins. Maybe this explains my former question.
Yet I have to find my way in Cinelerra. I want to use it for motion analysis in sports. So I want to make a 25 fps DV file to 50 fps by interpolating and deshake it with the motion track/stabilizer at highest possible quality for frame by frame analyzing the motion of the athlete. As you had some nice suggestions in the past I directed the question to you. But of course everyone's good suggestions are welcome.
Have you ever seen Gamebreaker on Apple? It is an application of some 2000 euro's. I believe Cinelerra can do something like that too.

Best regards, Gerrit

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