I use also ubuntu 10,04 64 1 Go RAM is not enough you need at least 2 G
RAM. and 4 is better for video editing.
Alsa you have to increase memory of cinelerra. When I did that tha
crashes were significantly less.

Le 08/07/2011 18:03, Douglas Pollard a écrit :
> Hi All,  I have developed a problen doing video. Cinelerra and Pitivi
> as well as Openshot crashes when rendering. I have tried Ubuntu10.04.2
> as well as Debian squeeze which I have on a second drive. The programs
> crash ubuntu at about5 minutes to 16 minuts D My motherboard is Asus
> with two AMD 64 processors i686.  I have 1G of RAM which I am thinking
> may not be enough?? IT has worked fine up until recently.  I don't
> think my problem is really with the video editing programs seems more
> a computer problem.  I put this problem to the Ubuntu E-mail group but
> no one seems willing to hazard a guess.
>     One thing I have tried is having the programs take video from one
> drive put to a second drive thinking that might lighten the load on my
> primary drive.  This made no difference.
>     I am getting ready to check with asus to see if the motherboard
> can profit from either 2 or 4 G of additional ram.
>     I would appreciate any idea's that might help with this problem.
>                                                              Thanks, 
> Doug
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