> >> Better find some other video capture program

Can you point something better ?

> I am seriously thinking about removing all capture features
> from
> Cinelerra in the future. How mutch people use it (were able
> to find
> working settings)? For what purpose tehy use it?

??????? Gosh Einar, I am sorry but you may want to look a little bit further 
than the lens of your ipod camera....

Cinelerra would become some sort of Kino just designed for camcorders and highy 
compressed videos. Why don't just remove importing file sequences, RGB float 
etc since you are willing to shoot yourself in the foot ?

The use of it ? controlling imports or scans (like I do) with a vectorscope
I am starting a hack of the invert plugin to work on scanned negative films. 
This is what it can be used for.

Unfortunately I am not a developper, just an end user. However it happens that 
someone here I know is technical director for Peter Jackson, I sent him a 16 
bit/pixel frame of my scans on 16mm negs, comment was "just as good as our Arri 
scanner, what soft did you use to import" .. Do you really want to remove that ?

Why not fixing ffmpeg integration instead like you pointed out a couple of days 
ago? or hacking some RED camera support that sounds more useful.

If you are not busy enough, why not considering rewriting proper denoisers? for 
say there is no temporal denoiser for full RGB frames. Does not it sound more 
important than removing something that works even for few people?

If you want to denoise a quicktime the cinelerra denoisers are just useless, 
you need to export through a yuv4mpeg stream etc.

How about Feior plugins ? OpenCV ?? convolution ?

Times to consider my options with openshot or blender, or Lumiera if it comes 
to life. I am starting to wonder if the CV version is not turning like the 

slightly bitter

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