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Op 28-12-11 01:58, Ichthyostega schreef:
> The most shocking absence of people able and willing (or willing
> and able) to work towards any even quite simplistic goal for more
> than just a single afternoon.
> We've seen lots and lots and lots of excited people, and heard and 
> collected lots and lots and lots of good proposals. But seemingly 
> 99.9999999% of them seem to flounder at the first tiny little
> bumps on the road, like combining two slightly contradictory pieces
> of example code into something that passes the compiler and works.
> Of course, we can't really complain, because OpenSource is
> voluntary.

Is the above really what you observe in 'daily life', because as I
told you before, I would love to work on stuff, but without any
serious 'we are ready to get people in to do real work and end with
something that they can actually use', I feel quite stock.

For example: I'm now for weeks thinking about coding a simple
videosynchronisation program, because none of the programs I work with
to do my video editing is able to give me the ability to do frame
synchronisation in a way that is easy. Indeed it is only an afternoon

This is another problem in opensource. So please *do* contact offlist
if there is work to do with a focus, and an end of a tunnel, and a
team that works as a team.

> Am 27.12.2011 18:00, schrieb Stefan de Konink:
>> To do this properly also multiple preview windows would be
>> 'required' to do anything useful, Some form of A-B editing not
>> yet present is Cinelerra.
> Interesting question closely related: how can we control those
> multiple viewer windows with the keyboard? Most existing user
> interfaces seem to assume a hard wired number of viewers (namely
> two) and a hard wired number of video and audio channels and then
> just assign some keyboard shortcuts.
> Any Ideas how we could handle more player/viewer windows than
> three are good keyboard shortcuts available? (relate that to
> Cinelerra: those 9 keys on the numpad are really great for
> controlling a single player)

My ideals for the above were actually not keyboard based by jog dial

Since there are multiple things to realise here; I think the linear
editing should be as easy as pressing a key of the numpad. Press
button select that view, and on the non-linear editor you see the
opacity of the track at the point you switched change. Given that
there are 9 short cuts, that might be just enough. Nothing to stop
such thing from developing.

Back to your question. Given that on my keyboard I have 3 nice lights
above my numpad, I wouldn't now suggest to make a A-B-C player ;), but
what about giving NumLock the ability to get in editing/control mode
of the currently selected track?

1, Numlock, -> -> ->, Numlock, 2, Numlock, <-, Numlock, Enter

Now you see here, the seeking could even be done with the keys next to
the numpad, without switching Numpad them on/off.

>> Maybe the first target could be: - create a player that gives a
>> visual preview (in a lower resolution) of all video-tracks
>> Next target: - Allow audio tracks to be (hard) attached to
>> videotracks
> shouldn't that rather work on the base of individual clips? since
> clips or groups of clips are the building blocks we're using most
> frequently when editing?

I think an individual clip could be actually a group of clips, or do
you think differently?


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