
"Cinelerra for Grandma" is a good place to start.


On 10/04/12 13:10, Murray Strome wrote:
Thank you for replies to this thread. I have now figured out how to use ffmpeg to import good quality video from DVDs recorded on my DVD recorders. They are now all NTSC 720X480 either 4:3 or 16:9.

I can import these to Cinelerra (or any of the other LINUX editors) but don't really know how to do the next steps.

The first and most important is to simply edit the video to cut out certain segments of the .mpg file (e.g. the several minutes of the camera swinging around looking at the floor), and then create a new high quality .mpg file that I can use anywhere else. If I can get past this hurdle, I can then worry about tackling other things like transitions, etc..

This involves two things:

 1. How do I cut out segments of the video that I don't want?
 2. What settings do I use to render the results to produce 720X480
    NTSC compatible video with audio .mpg file (either 4:3 or 16:9,
    depending upon the original)?

I have looked at many of the tutorials but I am probably too dense or too senile to really understand how to do this!!!

Thanks for any help.


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