I just noticed that the renders I made ​​made ​​in Cinelerra with "Motion JPEG A", suffer from the presence of very thin vertical pale stripes, but still very noticeable on smooth surfaces.

I verified that these stripes are not on my capture shootingDV files.

If I instead made ​​my rendesrs in RAW (uncompressed RGB), I do not observe these stripes.

As RAW.mov can not be viewed without everything being blue... I make the comparison by converting the two types of renders(same sequence) as "ProRes" files in EKD-SVN.

Is this normal?

If so, it seems to me a very big problem "Motion JPEG A", the image is unusable with these striations in a professional context.

Mes sequences are DV NTSC 16/9 format and imported into CInelerraCV 2.2 in Ubuntu 4.12 64bit YUVA.


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