On Wed, 30 Jun 2010 tkap...@gmail.com wrote:

...And several shops filter on per-/8 RIR allocation min + maxes, too! 
Bassically, a /24 isn't a safe, global assumption, unless from swamp space 
and/or a RIR portion specifically created for micro-allocations.

Take note of the cisco "isp ingress strcit" prefix list on the ftp site. Folks 
*are* using the examples linked from:


Or you could look at http://jonsblog.lewis.org/2008/01/19#bgp

IIRC, even when I wrote that, there were one or more /8s from which RIPE said the longest prefix they'd allocate was >24. 91/8, 193/8, and 194/7 are all listed as longest prefix = /29! When I wrote the filter referenced above, I chose to ignore this and filter these ranges denying /25 and longer.

Does RIPE really expect everyone to accept BGP routes as long as /29?

I just checked our BGP feed from Level3, and they're not sending us anything longer than /24.

 Jon Lewis                   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
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