On Wed, 30 Jun 2010, Gert Doering wrote:
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 09:57:47AM -0400, Jon Lewis wrote:
Does RIPE really expect everyone to accept BGP routes as long as /29?
RIPE doesn't expect anyone to accept anything. RIPE deals in addresses,
not in routing.
Yeah...I mentioned in my previous message that the RIRs only guarantee
uniqueness of the numbers they assing...not routability on the public
(Yes, this sounds a bit academic - but there is a point to it: what if
the operator community decides next year that /24s are evil, and only
/23s are to be accepted? Does this mean that RIPE will have to upgrade
all existing PI blocks to /23s?)
Have to? Maybe not...but I bet they'd get flooded with requests. The
RIRs can't guarantee general routability, but it seems disingenuous of
them to assign a /27 to a multihomed network when it's well known that a
/27 won't work for them...unless they only plan to use that /27 internally
and use PA space for their BGP announced route.
Jon Lewis | I route
Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are
Atlantic Net |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________
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