I just called from a Verizon mobile in the Charlotte NC metro area and get the 
auto attendant. Works fine.

I have seen these types of problems before where the routing table the carriers 
use to send traffic between each other is “broken” somewhere. I don’t know 
enough about carrier transport to say exactly but that’s how it’s been 
explained to me in the past.


> On Feb 24, 2020, at 11:29 AM, Hunter Fuller <hf0...@uah.edu> wrote:
> Calling from a Comcast line in Huntsville, AL, results in exactly 60
> seconds of silence (no ringback), followed by an instant connection as
> soon as my stopwatch ticks over to 60 seconds. I have never seen
> anything like that before.
> I would open a ticket, but the call does technically complete, and I'm
> already currently trying to shame their support into fixing another
> issue I'm having. But hopefully the data helps.
> --
> Hunter Fuller
> Router Jockey
> VBH Annex B-5
> +1 256 824 5331
> Office of Information Technology
> The University of Alabama in Huntsville
> Network Engineering
>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 9:00 AM Anthony Holloway
>> <avholloway+cisco-v...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I called just now (~8:55am us central time) from a twilio sip trunk and from 
>> a t-mobile cell (technically google fi) and neither worked.  I was getting a 
>> very strange ringback pattern for nearly a minute or more, and then fast 
>> busy on both.
>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 1:52 AM Ryan Huff <ryanh...@outlook.com> wrote:
>>> Yeah, sounds like you may have the problem sorted/known, and if it truly is 
>>> that other carrier’s have an offending/stale route that need updated... its 
>>> a pain.... cause sometimes the issue isn’t always with the LEC, it can be 
>>> upstream to the LEC too.
>>> Having users open tickets with their carrier’s is really the only way.. and 
>>> it can be a grueling, support ticket generating nightmare cause there is 
>>> really nothing you can do until the call is on your upstream provider’s 
>>> network.
>>> I called from a Verizon Mobile (Atlanta Metro/GA) just a few moments ago 
>>> and got a “Thank You for calling FastTrack Communications” prompt.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ryan
>>>> On Feb 23, 2020, at 23:47, Natambu Obleton <noble...@fasttrackcomm.net> 
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hey group,
>>> I am a member of this list because we do operate a CUCM cluster and 
>>> apologize for misusing this list for a non-cisco related issue.
>>> I need help troubleshooting an incoming calling issue. I run an SS7 
>>> connected Metaswitch in Colorado, USA and am having issues with incoming 
>>> calls from USA based mobile phones. We did call trap with Centurylink, our 
>>> tandem provider, and problem calls are not reaching them. They recommended 
>>> having the callers open tickets with their local providers.  This hasn’t 
>>> resulted in any success with getting a carrier to address this issue. This 
>>> started on Thursday, 2/20/2020, and we have been unable to reproduce it 
>>> with our local phones and have been relying on other callers to open the 
>>> tickets.
>>> I would appreciate the USA based members of this could try to call my auto 
>>> attendant at 970-247-3366. If you are unable to reach the recording, could 
>>> you please open a ticket with your local carrier? Our customers are 
>>> reporting ring-no-answer on these calls that never hit my switch.
>>> Thank you for your time.
>>> --
>>> Natambu Obleton
>>> CISSP #370414 CCIE #38491 R&S+Security
>>> Director of Network Engineering and Operations
>>> FastTrack Communications, Inc.
>>> 970.247.3366
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