    You need to run the command < show line > this will give you an output of all
of the < vty's / tty's / con >.....What you need to do is then setup an Async interface
with the coorresponding tty# of the AUX Port.....Then you need to setup a < dialer-rotary
group X > which you can then setup to correspond to to the < interface dialer X >.....Then
you can setup your << pap / chap >><< encapsulation >><< dialer string >>....And what
ever else that is needed.....Your then good to go.....
show line
aux tty1
config mode
interface aysnc 1
 encap ppp
 dialer-rotary group 1
interface dialer 1
ip address X.x.x.x X.x.x.x
 dialer string XXXXXXX
 encap ppp
 ppp auth chap
Senior Network / Systems Engineer
I had 2501 router, 1 Ethernet , 2 Syn port and 1 Aux port.
I like to coonect the 56k dial up modem to serial 0 , and configure it to DDR to ISP.
My question is how do i configure the serial 0 ( syn interface)  to dial out ?
As far as i knew only asyn serial, Aux port and syn/async serial is capable to do dial up.
Can Sync serial port do dial out ?? If can please give sample config.

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