Collisions would be normal on a 10 half link, but the output errors are a
little odd.  Are the interfaces reporting late collisions and interface
resets also?  If so, I would try changing out the cable, late
collisions/repeated interface resets usually indicate a bad cable or bad
Of course, you could just be trying to stuff too much data down the link,
what is the average bandwidth utilization?

-----Original Message-----
From: neil K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 4:13 PM
Subject: Ethernet Interface Collisions Incresing rapidly [7:71176]

One of my Cisco router's Ethernet interface connected to a Cisco Wireless
Bridges has the interface collisions counter increasing rapidly. Over a
period of 48 hrs the collision counter was 60,000 and the output error
counter was more than 40000. Both the Ethernet interface on the router and
the Cisco Wireless bridge are set to 10/Half-duplex.
There is nothing in between the bridge and the Router Ethernet, connected by
a cross-over cable. What could be causing this.

Any comments,


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