I see when I post something on this group, i hope to meet healthy criticism,
saying i was wrong on thinking SNMP had to do with network neighborhood
.....thanks for all who did that ( Ejay Hire, John Nemeth, Trevor
Corness...etc )

But John, I can see your some real asswipe thinking you can diss anyone on
the group, just b/c you have more real-world experience....

so what if im paper certified....
so what if im only 19 years old....(yes 19)...

what the hell is your damn problem buddy....

I asked for help.....I dident ask you to disrespect me jerk..

John Nemeth wrote:

> On Jan 27,  2:53pm, Deepak Sharma wrote:
> }
> } [gibberish snipped]
> }
> } So is there any way i can block SNMP traffic on win2k professional from
> } the routers......cause i still wanna see the pdc and bdc's.....but this
> } is not too important...I just REALLY need to stop those win2k machines
> } from appearing on network neighborhood
> }
> } Deepak Sharma
>   ^^^^  ^^^^
> } Ceridian Canada Ltd.
>      Thanks for devaluing these certifications.  Remind me never to
> hire you for anything, since it is extremely obvious that you are only
> paper certified.  HINT:  SNMP has absolutely nothing to do with network
> neighbourhood.  If you had actually earned those certifications you
> would know that.
> }-- End of excerpt from Deepak Sharma

          (o o)
     *@ bcz finest @*

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