Sorry I forgot the -6 at the end of the isbn #. It is the new book BSCN book
by Thomas M.Thomas II and company.
So to be clear the isbn is 0-07-212477-6
I have stopped reading it at page 120 yesterday.
I was a little (ok, very) frustrated about the way it is written.
There are a few mistakes: wrong figures to example (Chapt 4), typos, wrong
answer at end of chapter 2 and material not covered adequatly.

I want to be fair to Mr. Thomas so I will continue to review the book as I
go along.
I would sure appreciate some feedback from anybody including Mr. Thomas. I
will go to his site and comment there also at the end of my reading.

I understand that there are always typos, and such in books, being an ex
instructor, but there is a level of expectation
and a serious amount of $$$$$$$$$$$$ that I spend in technical/study
material and I at least expect my $$$$$ worth.
So far I am not a happy customer!!!!!!!!! After, I am done the reading we'll

-----Original Message-----
Ehab Mohamad Abdullah
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 9:06 PM
To: 'Daniel Boutet'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: Not impressed with BSCN Thomas II (book review)


There is no such a book with this ISBN 0-07-212477, from where you have
ordered this book?
is it the cisco offiicial book?

Thank you Daniel.

Ehab Abdllah

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Boutet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 5:59 PM
Subject: Not impressed with BSCN Thomas II (book review)

Hey I am only on page 65 and I am getting a little ticked off.
I've been waiting for this book for a month now and I finally got it.
(ordered it so I could not look at it before I paid).
ISBN: 0-07-212477

So far there is a lot of assumption from the authors. All is just "thrown"
with little or no explanation.

Chapter 2 answer key (2.10) full of errors
Typo's:  too many to mention
Figures on Chapter 3 (page 65) not very well presented (personal opinion)

I had high expectation and was anticipating a really good book.

I will follow up on this but sure would like some feedback.


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