Good day,

A second edition implies that the book is more up-to-date. It probably 
doesn't include many new topics, though. Halabi's second edition of 
"Internet Routing Architectures" is out and it's similar to his first 
edition, (in other words, very good). He got help from Danny McPherson on 
the second edition, and I think that made the book even more readable. It 
is THE book for learning BGP, a very important topic for BSCN.

Jeff Doyle, on the other hand, is working on Volume II of his "Routing 
TCP/IP." That's different than a second edition. A second volume means new 
material, new topics. In particular, his Volume II is going to include BGP. 
Volume I did not include BGP. On the other hand, Volume I of "Routing 
TCP/IP" is THE book for learning every other major IP routing protocol, 
especially OSPF.

So, for now, I would recommend Volume I of Jeff Doyle's "Routing TCP/IP" 
and the 2nd edition of Halabi's "Internet Routing Architectures." Volume II 
of "Routing TCP/IP" isn't due out until March. By then you will have 
memorized Halabi's book and become a CCIE! ;-)


At 11:15 AM 10/17/00, Jean-Michel Roberts wrote:
>Good day,
>What is the difference between the Internet Routing Architectures book by
>Basam Halabi 1st edition and 2nd edition? Is it just a more up to date
>Which would you recommend to prepare for the BSCN exam and other exams in
>the CCNP/CCIE track?
>The book: Routing TCP/IP by Doyle also has two editions. Dou you have any
>comments, i.e. which shall I get... the second edition only comes out early
>next year? Is it also a more up to date version or is the 1st version
>sufficient? (I also don't want to wait until next year)
>Thanks in advance.
>Kind Regards,
>Jean-Michel Roberts  (MCSE) (MCP+Internet) (CCNA)
>System Administrator
>Cell: +27 82 71 22 555
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Priscilla Oppenheimer

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