Hey Group,
     Need some help on this one. I just came on as a contractor for this company. The 
network is somewhat small. They have around 186 routers worldwide and around 22 
switches that they have to worry about. So all in all, there are around 200 managed 
devices for us to take care of. Currently they are using some program called "What's 
Up Gold". Personally, I hate this thing. It's not secure, the features are minimal, 
and I hate web based stuff. They have it set up on one machine and everyone access's 
it from the web to it's IP.
     The manager has expresed some interest in other methods but it will be hard to 
move him away from what there is now after he gets back in a week from a business 
trip. I would like to present a proposal on a new management system. My problem is 
that I have only worked in Openview before. I think Openview is awesome and gives you 
all the features you need and more. For this site though, I think it would be too 
much. I just don't think it's really needed for the size of this network and the 
management/configuration of it would overseed the network management itself.
     Basically, I'm asking what you guru's out there think I should present to use. 
Should it be CiscoWorks2000, Openview, or stay with What's Up Gold? I really 
appreciate the help and thanks for putting up with the long post. Thanks all,

Mark Z...

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