One reason why someone might post such a question to a newsgroup is to help
troubleshoot DNS problems.  If other users (like the majority of us, it
seems) can get to the website and he (the original poster) could not, that
might point to a problem with his ISP's DNS server being out of sync.

Or it could be a problem with reachability at the IP layer, but again, he
would have no way of knowing if it was just him who was having the problem,
or everybody.  If the Cisco web server is down, then everyone would be
having the same problem and there's little he can do.  If it's just him,
then he would know that it's time to get on the phone with his ISP.

Either way, such posts are valid, imo.

----- Original Message -----
From: Howard C. Berkowitz
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Cisco

>Can anybody try to access cisco web site ??????
>I think that their site is down. I am trying to access their web site from
>last 1 hour... Please check it and response me as soon as possible.

Why do you think it is down?  What do your pings and traceroutes show?

How would the information that I can or cannot reach it be helpful to
you?  If you've done enough troubleshooting to think the problem is
at your end -- and I would hope anyone on this list would do so --
aren't you just going to keep retrying?

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