John Nemeth wrote:
> On May 31,  9:58pm, anthony kim wrote:
> } --- John Nemeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> } > }
> } > } Is a real router a device which routes layer 3 packets? Or a
> } > device
> } > } "specifically designed" to route layer 3 packets. Your statement
> } > } implies the latter. Whereas I believe the former.
> } >
> } >      The latter.  A PC make be able to route packets, but that
> } > doesn't
> } > make it a real router.  The hardware device is going to be faster
> } > (especially at the high end), more reliable, require much less
> } > maintenance (which makes it cheaper in the long run), and easier to
> } > install and setup (not to mention take up far less space).
> }
> } John, you've just added qualifications to the definition of a real
> } router. Am I correct then in saying you believe a real router is
> }
> } a) a device that routes layer 3 packets
> } b) a device strictly designed to route layer 3 packets
> } c) a device that routes layer 3 fast and reliably
> } d) all of the above
> }
> } The cisco exam answer is: d)
> } I'm just too damn liberal with my definitions so would have chosen a)
>      I would say d).  Here's an analogy for you.  You can insert/remove
> Philips (and, some other) screws by using a small slotted screwdriver.
> Does that make the slotted screwdriver a Philips screwdriver?

As far as definitions are concerned, I'd have to agree with Anthony on
this.  A router routes layer 3.  Some routers do more and are better at
certain things, but its basic function is to route layer 3 traffic.

On a related note, in my home lab I have 25xx's and Olives (PC with
JunOS, based on a unix kernel).  I can easily bring the 25xx's to its
knees while not even breaking a sweat on the Olives.  I heard rumors
that Olives are equivalent to 4700's, but I have not confirmed that in

Mark Nguyen
Juniper Networks
Senior Network Engineer
Eastern Region IT/POC

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