
For the benefit of those not aware, (i.e. YPK's) I meant the American Association of
Retired Persons (member apps available here: ).  Priscilla also
made aware of the "other" AARP.  Personally, I've always thought that apples were only
good for eating or giving to your teacher to ensure a good grade (everybody may begin
the flames now--I have my asbestos underware on)! :)

BTW Priscilla, my grandkids have already assured that I am unique and special!!

Tom Lisa
Pres. OGC

"Howard C. Berkowitz" wrote:

> >Jess:
> >
> >Not to worry, I contacted AARP and was assured we can get a "senior
> >discount" on
> >blueberries and no-doze so we can compete with these young
> >whipper-snappers!  :)
> >
> >Tom Lisa, Instructor, CCNA, CCAI
> >Community College of Southern Nevada
> >Cisco Regional Networking Academy
> You contacted the AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol?
> More seriously, some stereotyping is floating around.  I'm thinking
> of one of the most charismatic, impatient to fools yet committed to
> teaching those willing to learn, and out-of-the-box crazy thinkers
> I've ever met:  Grace Murray Hopper. Gee...I may have met her when
> she wasn't even 70 yet.
> I was saddened by an obituary I ran across today:  Claude Shannon.
> Shannon was the father of modern information theory. Shannon died on
> February 24, of Alzheimer's disease...which must have had to work
> very hard to conquer such a mind.   Having passed earlier, but also
> not to be forgotten, was Norbert Wiener.  We throw around the
> buzzword "cyber" so freely these days, but we forget Wiener was the
> person who formally defined "cybernetics."
> On a brighter note, involving even older people who are still vidal
> and active,Vint Cerf is the only person that does attend the IETF in
> a three-piece suit, which is treated as an honorary T-shirt.
> I can see someone young in years resenting a Dilbert-style manager
> who holds their position by playing corporate games.  But don't leap
> to conclusions -- someone who simply is "older" might very well be
> more technical.
> MCI's ads about Generation D thoroughly annoy me, with their talk of
> "Generation D," the first generation that's grown up digital.
> Ummm...take a look at a wonderful book called _The Victorian
> Internet_.  While there is debate about the 1790-ish French semaphore
> system being digital in the modern sense, the Morse telegraph in 1845
> is digital (if you'll include pulse width modulation in the
> definition and had recognizable protocols.   I don't know, offhand,
> when the teletypewriter was invented, but Nyquist's theorems on
> bandwidth were published in 1928.
> Depending on how you define "computer" (does it need a stored
> program, or self-modifiable program?), the first digital computer was
> late-1930 (Eckert & Mauchly, and the independent German developer
> whose name escapes me), or around 1950 with Von Neumann machines.
> FORTRAN was available in 1956 or so, admittedly when the head of IBM
> thought there would be a national market for about 6 computers.
> There were packet networks in the early 1970s.
> Exactly when did "Generation D" start?
> Some of us older folk have been getting better at this for a long,
> long time, and haven't slowed down. Might have changed emphasis.
> >
> >
> >
> >>  Tom:
> >>
> >>  You are not alone; I just turned 50 on Thursday and am working on
> >>my CCNA and
> >>  hope to test in June, then go on for my CCNP.
> >>
> >>  Regards,
> >>
> >>  Jess
> >  > MCP
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