
My $0.02,

Frame is an interface specification. Like X.25. Which means that the
'PVC' only exists between the telco switch and you CPE. Once it hits the
telco cloud, its running on SS7 or some other telco (shared, muxxed)
longline. Therefore, the data is vulnerable, in a general sense, to
telco level 'listening'. Its illegal, and I don't suspect it happens
much, but, it can, I suppose. 

If you buy a leased line, then no one shares your BW, if you simply buy
the service at several sites, then, once it hits the switch, its in the
telcos 'cloud'. I suppose the telco could listen either way. Encryption
seems prudent, if it's not prohibitively expensive.


Mark Mahoney 

John Jarrett wrote:
> Could someone please clarify something for me about Frame-relay?
> I had always understood that traffic over frame-relay was unsecure and
> needed to be encrypted if it was of a critical nature.  Is frame-relay
> always a shared network?  I had thought so but I have recently had a
> someone explain to me that they did not need to encrypt the data because
> they "owned" the cloud that the pvc ran through.  He said that it was a
> point to point connection and therefore not over a shared network. All
> of our connections are setup using sub-interfaces and point to point. I
> still thought that it was over a shared network.  This did not make a
> lot of sense to me.
> Any help would be appreciated.  Any links to good documentation would be
> helpful as well.
> Thanks,
> John
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