At 3:03 PM -0500 3/8/01, Mask Of Zorro wrote:
>  >
>>Well, I have a bad cold, so I hope I didn't ramble too much. I'm under >the
>>influence of Histafed. But hopefully this was helpful, nonetheless.
>Histafed? I think I heard about this guy. He's forming some kind of cult
>commune thing out in Oregon, isn't he? I hope you are able to escape his
>influence soon!

Given what is south of Oregon, I would hesitate to make too many 
suggestions to Priscilla.  As I've shared with her in the past, some 
historians claim there was a sign at the end of the Oregon Trail, 
which read:

                    OREGON------> (this way)

So all the illiterates turned left and went to California.

I write comfortably from the great Commonwealth of Virginia, where it 
takes three Virginians to change a light bulb. One to replace the 
burnt-out bulb, and two to talk about how good the old light bulb 
was.  Mind you, there are theories that such behavior varies 
significantly between Northern and Southern Virginia.  It is less 
clear if they have light bulbs in parts of central and western 

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