When I do my first lab of BGP, I use cisco 2500 with version 11.2. Ask for
your money back!

Johnny Sun

>Sounds like your instructor didn't know BGP either. What a shame. You could
>ask for your money back...
>BTW, I like "cop run start" much better than "write mem." It's more
>intuitive. Not. &;-)
>At 12:39 PM 3/19/01, Buri, Heather H wrote:
>>Well, it may be like Z said earlier and that is...my instructor did not
>>what he was talking about.  I thought 12.1 was still the most recent
>>but then again, I have not been on CCO recently upgrading my IOS's either.
>>And...been too busy the past couple of days trying to get caught up from
>>being gone for a week from work.  I will check it out tonight.  :-)
>>Heather Buri
>>CSC Technology Services - Houston
>>Phone:  (713)-961-8592
>>Fax:            (713)-961-8249
>>Alpha Page:
>>Mailing:        1360 Post Oak Blvd
>>                      Suite 500
>>                      Houston, TX 77056
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: John Neiberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:08 PM
>>Subject: Re: IOS version 13.xxx ?? and a Rant...
>>Wow, 13 already?  That's pretty surprising since 12.1 isn't GD yet and
>>12.2 isn't even out yet.
>> >>> "Buri, Heather H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/19/01 10:41:14 AM >>>
>>Hi Everyone.
>>Well, I finished my BSCN course through Global Knowledge last week.  I
>>to say I was kind of disappointed.  I really was wanting to spend some
>>time on BGP and OSPF but we had to rush through it because we wasted a
>>day going over RIP???  I thought this was supposed to be an advanced
>>My opinion is the only refresher we should have been given on RIP is:
>>Router Rip
>>Anyways, the instructor said they started making the labs easier
>>because too
>>many people complained about them being too difficult???  :::sigh:::
>>Oh well.  Thank God for this list and I guess I will be saving myself
>>on the CIT course now.
>>I will be taking my exam on April 5.  I wanted to study BGP and Policy
>>routing some more.
>>My instructor did mention Cisco was up to IOS release 13 already.  This
>>news to me.  He said it had been out for some time.  My question is,
>>anyone been using it yet?  My instructor did say that they finally did
>>with my favorite command... write mem.  A sad, sad day!  Well, I knew
>>it was
>>coming.  I don't suppose "c r s" will work at the command line??  :-)
>>Heather Buri
>>CSC Technology Services - Houston
>>Phone:  (713)-961-8592
>>Fax:            (713)-961-8249
>>Alpha Page:
>>Mailing:        1360 Post Oak Blvd
>>                      Suite 500
>>                      Houston, TX 77056
>Priscilla Oppenheimer
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