Yes, two or more interfaces can share the same subnet, but bridging is
involved.  You just can't assign ip networks willy nilly to interfaces. :)
What you're looking for is called IRB Bridging.  An example follows.  The ip
address on the BVI  interface is available through both ethernet interfaces.

interface ethernet0
  no ip address
  bridge-group 1

interface ethernet1
  no ip address
  bridge-group 1

interface BVI 1
  ip address

bridge irb
bridge 1 protocol ieee
no bridge 1 bridge ip
bridge 1 route ip

Rodgers Moore

"Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
> <html>
> Dear all,
> <p>I have a stupid question, want to clarify.
> <br>is it I cannot make two or more interfaces share the same subnet in
> the Router?
> <p>Thanks
> <p>Best Regards,
> <br>rick</html>
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