Priscilla O., Howard B., Philip H., Thomas C. and the rest,

You know, I have just gotten home from work and I just don't know what to
say anymore.  I have read all these long
lists of entries that transpired during the course of the day and I am
amazed at the trouble my post has caused..I never
meant for this to be.  I, as a general rule, try to mind my own business and
now because I opened my mouth, my
business is everywhere.  I have always generated alot of verbal noise.  And
so now, I guess will be no different.
Whether it actually helps or not will remain to be seen.

Now, let me tell you my impressions of it all first, and I am going to group
all my thoughts of this, in this one e-mail, so in
other words this is directed to everyone who has contributed to this
thread.  I started at the top of the mail list when I
opened my account and just started reading downward.  At first it seemed
that each person was trying to out-do the
others in tone and in manner concerning this thread.  I could see people
criticizing each other and calling each other
names that were not involved in the original thread at all.  People are
making personal attacks on each other and
publicly.  And I am the reason for this.  I am a 43 yr old woman and have
never had a problem speaking for myself and
trying to be articulate and understood and without have to use mannerisms
than are condemning to another individual
and who they are.  But today, that has been different.  I am nearly ashamed
of myself as I see what I have caused.

I organized all the mail that was actually directed at me in one pile and is
also to whom this letter is addressed to, and on
the other side, people that were exhibiting condemning attitudes for
whatever reason. Howard B., Priscilla O., Thomas
C. and Philip H. .....this letter is really addressed to all four of you.

Now, I can divide you up into two groups.  Priscilla and Howard on one side
and Thomas and Philip on the other.

Thomas and Phillip:  Thank you very much for the suggestions of help.  I
will get back with you.  They are both
excellent ideas and I have explored some of these options already, but I
thank you.

Howard:  You have had an interesting past and quite varied as you  moved up
in the computer realm.  And you are
right, there are tons of free information out there. I have thousands of
links saved on disks and on my very full desktop
that I explore trying to put all the pieces of networking together for me so
I can understand it.  The cisco university is
one.  Technet is another that has proven useful.  But the first yr of my
academy, was also the first yr I ever touched a
computer.  That is not an excuse but a fact.  I had never heard, except
briefly mentioned by an nt instructor, anything
about sw piracy. I was a person that had their nose buried in books for hrs
on end that lasted yrs at a time.  I did not
watch tv or the news or anything else.  I existed to explore my own
interests in books exploring the other topics that
held interest for me...Computers was not one of them.  It never even crossed
my mind that crimes were being committed
on computers.  When I wasn't reading, I was working or sleeping or raising
kids.  No computers, no knowledge of the
world, no special insight on current events or ethics regarding computer
anything.  Ignorance, however, is also not an
excuse for our deeds as jails are full of people who say they didn't know. 
And I'll tell you one more thing.  I would dearly
love to find a trash can like that full of books.  I would take them home
also.  I don't feel that was a violation of a
copyright law but I am not an expert on copyright laws so I can't really say
for sure.  But, on a personal stand, I feel they
were free enterprise and going to the incinerator. But this is actually off
the subject.  To touch briefly on one more point
you made, and no Howard, not the guilt trip point, but the one about free
knowledge...I only agree with this to a point.
Access to 'The Information Highway'...yes, should be free to all.  But, not
all information in our world should be included
on that road.  Somethings are harmful, and others should just be private. 
But the right to explore and learn should be
there and should remain there.  The computer is a wonderful educational tool
for he who wants to learn....and I do.  I
might have been wrong technically in what I did Howard, but I did not have
bad or wicked motives toward the makers
of transcenders products.  I felt at the time I was getting a bargain.  That
is actually the only thing that crossed my mind.

Priscilla:  I don't know that in the future I won't worry about it.  Up
until this point I hadn't been.  This had not actually
crossed my mind again until i saw the original post with the guy worried
about sending router sim 3.0.  And I don't know
what this may have in store for me in the future.  I can't say right now at
all.  I might like to create.  I have already been
a creator of some things.  9 oil paintings, and a new system to count
numbers raised to a power of two from 1-100.  I
was trying to come up with a new math for counting squares.I nearly finished
and actually stumbled on this quite by
accident.  I got through all the squares and was working on the cubes.  And
then I got married and had to quit.  I sure
haven't thought of that in a long time.  That might actually come in handy
one day now.  But these creations Priscilla,
were not for money.  They were strickly for pure personal pleasure and the
enjoyment I got from knowing that I
understood something noone else did.  My math method..mine...  

But you are right in saying that if I was the creator of something
concerning computers, I might feel different...that is very
true.  I had just not thought of it from that perspective. My paintings just
hang in different family member houses.



7/9/2001 2:51:55 PM, "Priscilla Oppenheimer"  wrote:

>How do you know you won't worry about it? You might become an author or 
>software developer yourself. Perhaps when you get further in your studies 
>you will become a creator instead of a consumer of knowledge. That 
>evolution tends to change people's minds about software piracy, I have found.

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