For your TFTP server, TAC, as well as myself, recommends using Pumpkin TFTP.
It's solid and works great.  You can get it for free at the following url:

I don't recall if there is a unix variant of it, but come to think of it, I
think that there is a tftp daemon you can turn on, that is installed by
default on most Free Unix flavors out there.  As an example, if you are
using Linux, I bet you could (from the command prompt:) issue a "man tftp"
and probably get something on it, including how to invoke the daemon, set it
up to always be running when the system boots, etc.

>From the cisco router, all you need to do to get the tftp download going is
to issue : copy tftp flash, and then follow the prompts.  Obviously, the
TFTP server would need to be going, and you'll need to make sure you know
the exact file name that you want... Sometimes we forget, and leave off the
.bin on the end of the file when in a hurry. :)

Hope this helps!
----- Original Message -----
From: "chica" 
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 12:31 PM
Subject: tftp server! [7:13203]

> hi,
> i'm setting up my lab and want to install the tftp
> server on one PC.I would also want to upgrade my IOS
> image and install the IP feature pack.I reckon,that
> the tftp can be installed on any PC on any OS say
> windows,and that the tftp server would acquire the ip
> address of the PC.Can anyone please give a detailed
> process of the installation and integration in a
> network, plus how to install the ip fearure pack.
> I'ld appreciate any input.
> thanx
> >chika
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