"ccie r catching up with ...mcse now"

That's a bit of a wild inaccurate statement.

I reckon after doing my CCNP it wouldn't take too long to get past the CCIE
written with 4 to 6 weeks good study.
I reckon the CCIE Lab could take me a year or more of hard work to get
anywhere near it, if ever.
I am looking at the doing the MCSE to broaden the knowledge a little.
Looking through the syllabus I am looking at around 6 weeks of study with
odd breaks in between.

MCSE and CCIE will never be comparable.
It amuses me when people do compare them.
I think "CCIE written" is a little misleading - As far as I'm concerned its
a fairly testing written exam to stop time wasters taking what is the real
CCIE exam - The LAB.

My two penneth...


""Hello Hello""  wrote in message
> ccie r catching up with ...mcse now
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