Again, I can't resist either. No matter how many times the issue comes up,
those that have the superiority complexes can't seem to hear the message.
The length of that lecture is a perfect example. I don't think anybody that
has the initiative to get into networking is looking for an endless supply
of free fish, rather I believe that finding this list is in itself is
showing a desire to learn to fish. Some just have to ask what a hook and
bait, or line is and how they work. I agree totally that some of those that
have been here awhile show the need to demean others to feel knowledgeable
and important. I suggest that if it bothers you to answer rookie questions,
don't bother with the lecture either. I'm sure some one else will be glad to
help a beginner without belittling them. I mean, look at Priscilla as an
example. She is about as much of an old pro at this stuff as there can be,
but she either doesn't answer or she shows respect when she does. There are
many others too, Howard comes to mind...  try to show some class and follow
their examples. 

Larry Puckette
Network Analyst CCNA,MCP,LANCP
Temple Inland

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Sal DiStefano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Friday, November 16, 2001 11:46 AM
Subject:        Re: Salary Expectations/CCNP's!!!!!!!!! [7:25805]

I have no problem with what your saying here. I just
have a problem with the sarcasm and derogatory was you
do it, thats all!!
--- Dennis  wrote:
> What are you going to do when your company network
> is down and the CEO is
> breathing down your neck asking when is it going to
> be fixed?  I guess
> you'll tell him "we'll I asked a question in the
> newsgroup and nobody told
> me what to do yet."  That's a quick way to be shown
> the door.
> I stand by my assertion that the best way to advance
> one's career in
> networking is to develop the ability to look up
> problems and solutions on
> ones own.  When stumped on a problem, ask the
> group... not ask the group
> first.
> I say again if you want to teach people that the way
> to resolve a problem is
> to blindly ask other people for solutions without
> trying to research and
> resolve on ones own, that's up to you but you're not
> doing them a favor and
> you'll diminish their abilities and career potential
> by doing that.
> What do you think the CCIE lab exam tests?  Do they
> give you newsgroup
> access? Do they let you phone a friend?  No, they
> give you a network, a set
> of issues, and reference material to research when
> needed.  The exam is
> designed to test ones ability to think through
> issues, research when needed,
> and identify possible solutions.  The people that
> follow your advice will
> never have the skills to be high level networkers. 
> But that's alright,
> they'll be the people under me who'll always be
> asking me what to do when
> confronted with a problem.  And that's why I'll be
> getting the big bucks...
> cause I can think and research on my own... and not
> run to others right
> away...
> Give a man a fish and he eats for a day... teach a
> man to fish and he eats
> for a lifetime...
> --
> -=Repy to group only... no personal=-
> ""Sal DiStefano""  wrote in message
> > I have been following this without saying
> anything,
> > but I cant resist any longer.
> >
> >  Are you saying that people should look up all
> their
> > own answers? If that is the case, why have this
> board?
> > Just so mean spirited people like those who
> answered
> > this guy with useless answers can pounce on the
> newbie
> > who asks what you consider a question which is not
> > worthy?
> >    I think one of the great things about a group
> like
> > this is I don't need to look up everything myself,
> I
> > can rely on the knowledge and experience of
> others,
> > and hopefully bring my experiences to some use
> here
> > for others.
> >     Who should decide what others can ask? If the
> > person comes here for an answer to a question
> rather
> > that spending hours looking it up themselves, I
> think
> > it shows that they know where to go for answers. I
> > don't think traveling the hard road is the
> important
> > part, I think getting the answers is.
> >
> > If you don't have something constructive to say
> don't
> > reply to the post!
> >
> >     "If you can't say somethin' nice, Don't say
> > nothin' at all." - Bambi
> >
> > Hope I haven't offended anyone.
> >
> > Sal
> >
> > =====
> > "Ask yourself if what you are doing today is
> getting you closer to where
> you
> > want to be tomorrow." - Unknown
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals
> >

"Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you
want to be tomorrow." - Unknown

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