One thing to consider is that the salaries listed on page 3 are for MCSEs
the listed cisco cert (and who knows how many other certs).
Still, I agree that all of the surveys I've seen are pretty superficial 
appearing and seem to be 10-20% above salaries I've seen. To do a
survey would require a lot more factors than certs. Time employed by a 
particular company, length of experience, size of the company, and company 
locations are just a few of the variables. 
Just to throw it out there, when I got my NP, I got a 30% raise, but only
spending a lot of time researching salaries for CCNPs. Also, the raise
me to the lowest part of the ranges I was able to document. If you feel you
underpaid, research, document, then request. Just don't be too surprised to
turned down or "deferred" as the current market doesn't seem to favor 
employees, and employers know that.

Just my 2 cents.


> I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel that these salary surveys
> a load of crap. As Sam mentioned, he doesn't support the claims of the
> salary survey and I agree with him. I think the name of these survey's
> should be changed to "Salary's that we wish we made". People are probably
> ashamed of the salary's they actually make and inflate the crap out of them
> for the survey. Just my opinion.
> Shawn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sam sneed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 6:21 PM
> Subject: certification salary posting [7:30237]
> group,
> I found this link on a microsoft site. It mainly analyzes the the salaries
> of people holding Microsoft certifications. The applicable part is on the
> 3rd page of the report which lists the estimated salaries of all different
> cert's including CCNA,CCNP, CCIE.
> I'm not supporting the claims on this site. I'm posting it here because
> people always ask the list for this info so i hope noone comes after me for
> posting this. I currently hold MCSE and CCNA with 2.5 years experience and
> don't make what the list says my average would be, and this is working in
> NYC where they pay very well.
> food for thought
> sam sneed

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