How are the Bri's in a multilink group?

""MADMAN""  wrote in message
> Here ya go, an example that I did some time ago, the 12.1 code was
> buggy.  The gist of it is you set up a dialer and attach the bri's via
> the dialer pool.  This may not be on CCO but it works.
>   Dave
> KM Reynolds wrote:
> >
> > No offence, I just thought I was missing something.  I have read your
> emails
> > in the past, and I do know you know what you are talking about.
> >
> > I aslo know you can bind PRIs, I just haven't heard of multilinking
> I
> > looked in the archives and tried searching the Cisco Web Site, but had
> > luck.  So I thought it was a good question and posted it.
> >
> > KM
> David Madland
> Sr. Network Engineer
> CCIE# 2016
> Qwest Communications Int. Inc.
> 612-664-3367
> "Emotion should reflect reason not guide it"
>   This config is an ISDN dial backup binding three BRIs together
>   9/2000
> !
> ! Last configuration change at 14:54:55 UTC Mon Sep 25 2000
> ! NVRAM config last updated at 14:55:07 UTC Mon Sep 25 2000
> !
> version 12.1
> service timestamps debug uptime
> service timestamps log datetime localtime
> no service password-encryption
> !
> hostname CL_Spokane
> !
> logging buffered 4096 informational
> enable password converge*clpriv
> !
> username CL_Bristol password 0 converge*clpriv
> !
> ip subnet-zero
> ip cef
> no ip domain-lookup
> ip host routerA
> !
> ipx routing 0030.945d.35e1
> isdn switch-type basic-5ess
> !
> !interface Loopback0
>  ip address
> !
> interface Loopback100
>  ip address
> !
> interface Serial2/0.21 point-to-point
>  description PVC to Bristol
>  ip address
>  ipx network AAA
>  frame-relay interface-dlci 21
> !
> interface BRI3/0
>  description ISDN CKT#__ ISDN backup to routera's BRI3/0
>  bandwidth 128
>  no ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  dialer pool-member 1
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
>  isdn spid1 xxxxxxxxx1111 xxxxxxx
>  isdn spid2 xxxxxxxxx1111 xxxxxxx
>  no fair-queue
>  ppp authentication chap
> !
> interface BRI3/1
>  description ISDN CKT#__ ISDN backup to Bristol's BRI3/1
>  bandwidth 128
>  no ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  dialer pool-member 1
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
>  isdn spid1 xxxxxxxxx1111 xxxxxxx
>  isdn spid2 xxxxxxxxx1111 xxxxxxx
>  no fair-queue
>  ppp authentication chap
> !
> interface BRI3/2
>  description ISDN CKT#__ ISDN backup to Bristol's BRI3/2
>  bandwidth 128
>  no ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  dialer pool-member 1
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
>  isdn spid1 xxxxxxxxxx1111 xxxxxxx
>  isdn spid2 xxxxxxxxxx1111 xxxxxxx
>  no fair-queue
>  ppp authentication chap
> !
> interface BRI3/3
>  no ip address
>  shutdown
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
> !
> interface Dialer1
>  ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  dialer remote-name Router12
>  dialer pool 1
>  dialer idle-timeout 60
>  dialer string xxxxxxxx158
>  dialer string xxxxxxxx159
>  dialer string xxxxxxxx156
>  dialer string xxxxxxxx157
>  dialer string xxxxxxxx154
>  dialer string xxxxxxxx155
>  dialer load-threshold 3 either
>  dialer max-call 6
>  dialer-group 1
>  ipx network FBEEF
>  ppp authentication chap
>  ppp multilink
> !
> router eigrp 100
>  redistribute static
>  network
>  network
>  network
>  no auto-summary
>  no eigrp log-neighbor-changes
> !
> ip classless
> ip route
> ip route Dialer1 200
> ip route Dialer1
> no ip http server
> !
> access-list 101 deny   eigrp any any
> access-list 101 permit ip any any
> dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101
> !
> !
> !
> !
> line con 0
>  transport input none
> line aux 0
>  exec-timeout 45 0
>  password diverge*clterm
>  modem InOut
>  modem autoconfigure type usr_sportster
>  transport input all
>  speed 115200
>  flowcontrol hardware
> line vty 0 4
>  exec-timeout 0 0
>  password diverge*clterm
>  login
> !
> end
> CL_Spokane# sho ver
> Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
> IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-DS-M), Version 12.1(3a), RELEASE SOFTWARE
> Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.
> Compiled Thu 27-Jul-00 08:14 by cmong
> Image text-base: 0x60008940, data-base: 0x60F6C000
> ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(20)AA2, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE
> c1)
> CL_Spokane uptime is 1 week, 3 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes
> System returned to ROM by reload
> System restarted at 22:37:33 UTC Thu Sep 14 2000
> System image file is "flash:c3640-ds-mz_121-3a.bin"
> cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 61440K/4096K bytes of
> memory.
> Processor board ID 16827565
> R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0
> Bridging software.
> X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
> SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).
> Basic Rate ISDN software, Version 1.1.
> 1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
> 1 Serial network interface(s)
> 8 Low-speed serial(sync/async) network interface(s)
> 4 ISDN Basic Rate interface(s)
> DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
> 125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
> 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
> Configuration register is 0x2102
> router#sho conf
> Using 4335 out of 129016 bytes
> !
> ! NVRAM config last updated at 16:16:05 UTC Tue Sep 19 2000
> !
> version 12.1
> service timestamps debug uptime
> service timestamps log datetime localtime
> no service password-encryption
> !
> hostname router
> !
> boot system slot0:c3640-ds-mz_121-3a.bin
> boot system flash
> logging buffered 4096 debugging
> enable password converge*clpriv
> !
> username router password 0 converge*clpriv
> !
> !
> !
> !
> ip subnet-zero
> ip cef
> !
> ipx routing 0030.945d.6221
> isdn switch-type basic-ni
> !
> !
> !
> interface Loopback0
>  ip address
> !
> interface Loopback100
>  ip address
> interface Ethernet2/0
>  ip address
>  ipx network 1 encapsulation SAP
>  no cdp enable
> !
> interface Serial2/0
>  no ip address
>  encapsulation frame-relay
>  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
> !
> interface Serial2/0.17 point-to-point
>  ip address
>  ipx network AAA
>  frame-relay interface-dlci 17
> !
> interface BRI3/0
>  description ISDN CKT#__ ISDN backup to Spokane's BRI
>  bandwidth 128
>  no ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  dialer pool-member 1
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
>  isdn spid1 xxxxxxxxxx0101 xxxxxxx
>  isdn spid2 xxxxxxxxxx0101 xxxxxxx
>  no fair-queue
>  ppp authentication chap
> !
> interface BRI3/1
>  description ISDN CKT#__ ISDN backup to Spokane's BRI
>  bandwidth 128
>  no ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  dialer pool-member 1
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
>  isdn spid1 xxxxxxxxxx0101 xxxxxxx
>  isdn spid2 xxxxxxxxxx0101 xxxxxxx
>  no fair-queue
>  ppp authentication chap
> !
> interface BRI3/2
>  description ISDN CKT#__ ISDN backup to Spokane's BRI
>  bandwidth 128
>  no ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  dialer pool-member 1
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
>  isdn spid1 xxxxxxxxxx0101 xxxxxxx
>  isdn spid2 xxxxxxxxxx0101 xxxxxxx
>  no fair-queue
>  ppp authentication chap
> !
> interface BRI3/3
>  no ip address
>  shutdown
>  isdn switch-type basic-ni
> !
> interface Dialer1
>  ip address
>  ip load-sharing per-packet
>  encapsulation ppp
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  dialer remote-name CL_Spokane
>  dialer pool 1
>  dialer idle-timeout 300
>  dialer load-threshold 3 either
>  dialer max-call 6
>  dialer-group 1
>  ipx network FBEEF
>  pulse-time 0
>  ppp authentication chap
>  ppp multilink
> !
> router eigrp 100
>  redistribute static
>  network
>  network
>  network
>  no auto-summary
>  no eigrp log-neighbor-changes
> !
> no ip classless
> ip route Dialer1
> ip route Serial2/0.17
> no ip http server
> !
> access-list 101 deny   eigrp any any
> access-list 101 permit ip any any
> dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101
> snmp-server engineID local 0000000902000030945D6221
> snmp-server community public RO
> !
> !
> !
> !
> line con 0
>  exec-timeout 0 0
>  transport input none
>  speed 115200
> line aux 0
>  modem InOut
>  transport input all
>  flowcontrol hardware
> line vty 0 4
>  exec-timeout 45 0
>  password diverge*clterm
>  login
> !
> end
> router#sho ver
> Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
> IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-DS-M), Version 12.1(3a), RELEASE SOFTWARE
> Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.
> Compiled Thu 27-Jul-00 08:14 by cmong
> Image text-base: 0x60008940, data-base: 0x60F6C000
> ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(20)AA2, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE
> c1)
> router uptime is 4 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes
> System returned to ROM by reload
> System restarted at 22:01:25 UTC Thu Sep 14 2000
> System image file is "slot0:c3640-ds-mz_121-3a.bin"
> cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 61440K/4096K bytes of
> memory.
> Processor board ID 16827692
> R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0
> Bridging software.
> X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
> SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).
> Basic Rate ISDN software, Version 1.1.
> 1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
> 1 Serial network interface(s)
> 8 Low-speed serial(sync/async) network interface(s)
> 4 ISDN Basic Rate interface(s)
> DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
> 125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
> 8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
> 16384K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
> Configuration register is 0x3922
> router#

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