That makes sense except for the fact that the telnet protocol 
is *not* running on the console link!  It's called reverse 
telnet but that doesn't describe the protocol that is actually 
on the link itself.  That's why it's curious to me why I would 
have to permit telnet for it to work.

I blame you for getting me on this thread in the first 
place!  :-)  But I'd really like to find an answer.

---- On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Ouellette, Tim 

> Are you still going on about this *grin*
> Sure feels weird being call the "someone" in your earlier 
comment of "I
> was
> in a discussion with someone this weekend regarding terminal 
> configuration".   Hehhehe. The conclusion I came up with is as
> followings.
> Let's say your on a router and you ping your ethernet 
interface.  The
> pings
> actually goes out on the wire and loops back to test your own 
> (obviously loopbacks are different).  But I would think that 
in the
> concept
> of a telnet, the reverse telnet goes out on the wire to the 
far end and
> then
> loops back establishing a connection?  Also, as an FYI, when 
a do a
> "transport input all" on my terminal server, it 
substitues "transport
> input
> LAT MOP TELNET blah blah" for me.  So the telnet is actually 
a subset of
> the
> ALL parameter.?
> Did that make any sense or do I need more coffee?
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Neiberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 9:59 PM
> Subject: Re: RE: Transport Input Telnet and Terminal Servers 
> I think, as is often the case, I wasn't clear enough.  Let me 
> try to restate the issue another way.
> When you connect a terminal server to a console port, the 
> telnet protocol is not operating on that link.  That link is 
> simple async serial terminal session.  Because of that, I 
> understand why "transport input telnet" works:  the input is 
> *not* telnet, it's async serial!
> If you telnet to a terminal server and from there do a 
> telnet to a device, your actual telnet session--and I'm being 
> very specific here--stops at the terminal server.  The 
> being carried on the async line is *not* telnet.
> Does that make more sense?  Okay, back to the coffee for me...
> Thanks,
> John
> ---- On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Daniel Cotts 
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > "all" works because telnet is a subset of "all" - it is 
> included without
> > being specifically named. Do a "show line" to determine the 
> mapping of
> > line
> > numbers to ports - then do a "show line 1" or whatever. 
> more
> > output!
> > Look on the line that starts "Allowed transports"
> > We are used to configuring terminal servers with ip host 
> mapping a name
> > to
> > an ip and port. A more bare bones implementation would have 
> us "telnet
> > 2002"
> > or whatever port we wished to reach. Try that.
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: John Neiberger 
> > > Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 4:28 PM
> > > Subject: Transport Input Telnet and Terminal Servers 
> [7:33511]
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I was in a discussion with someone this weekend regarding 
> terminal
> > > server configuration and the following issue came up.  
> states that
> > > on the terminal server, at the very least "transport 
> > > telnet" needs
> > > to be configured, if not "transport input all".  Why is 
> this?
> > > 
> > > With a terminal server, we are connecting to a console 
> > > that has no
> > > concept of IP or telnet.  You connect to the console port 
> using async
> > > serial terminal protocols, *not* telnet.  Sure, it may be 
> > > called Reverse
> > > Telnet, but the telnet protocol is not end-to-end; it 
> at the
> > > terminal server.  From the terminal server to the device 
> > > is connected
> > > to you are simply using async serial.  So, why do we need 
> transport
> > > input telnet??
> > > 
> > > We did verify that without this command it will not 
> Also, why
> > > would the ALL keyword work?  As far as I can see, none of 
> the 
> > > available
> > > protocols make any sense in this context.  
> > > 
> > > Just curious.  Perhaps I'm suffering from a brain cloud 
> today.  :-)
> > > 
> > > John
> > 
> > 
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