INS used to do that as well, hell we used to have free soda, food and BEER!
Ah...the glory days

-----Original Message-----
Steven A. Ridder
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 5:13 AM
Subject: Re: Recent One-Day Lab Takers?? [7:33592]

I love Cisco's free soda's and waters.  It's got to be one of the best
""McCallum, Robert""  wrote in message
> Come on mate where's your sense of humour.
> BTW Jason is right the mouse new it was in for a hard time when it saw me
> it bolted.
> As for Brussels you do not see any equipment, you are just sat in a
> classroom with keyboard, monitor, mouse (sometimes), pens, pencils,
> sharpener , rubber (eraser for the Americans) and paper.  You can wander
> at any time to get yourself a "free" can of coke or tea / coffee.  I would
> advise this
> as you may as well bloat yourself with liquid as the lunch is a buffet
> selection of continental type rolls.  For us Brits sweet rolls with some
> form of strange meat on them doesn't really appeal, in fact they were
> rancid.  I couldn't find a decent roll despite my 6 times of trying.  Next
> time
> I'm going to bring in a packed lunch, with a Capri Sun just for luck.
> Cat5000,Cat3924,2600's,3600.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cisco Nuts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 30 January 2002 04:54
> Subject: RE: Recent One-Day Lab Takers?? [7:33592]
> I had asked for some honest advice as to what router models I needed to
> 'simulate' the actual lab at home but alas.......some people seem to have
> wasted their time in replying some irrelevant answers.  Sad......
> >From: "Louie Belt" >Reply-To: "Louie Belt" >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subject: RE: Recent One-Day Lab Takers?? [7:33592] >Date: Tue, 29 Jan
> 2002 19:57:21 -0500 > >You'll go blind if you touch your flux capacitor
> too much. > >-----Original Message----- >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of >c1sc0k1d >Sent: Tuesday,
> January 29, 2002 6:35 PM >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Re: Recent
> One-Day Lab Takers?? [7:33592] > > >I saw my gear in RTP as well. Except
> in RTP they said not to touch the flux >capacitor as the proctor already
> calibrated it before the lab started. > > > > >""Hire, Ejay"" wrote in
> message >[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... > > I'm surprised.
> In san Jose, they are in big red/orange cabinets next to >the > > cubicle
> you work in. You have to go over to the rack to check dial > > tone/ring
> on your VoIp Phone... and to align the flux capacitor. > > > > -Ejay > >
> > > -----Original Message----- > > From: McCallum, Robert
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 3:52
> PM > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Subject: RE: Recent One-Day Lab
> Takers?? [7:33592] > > > > > > I never actually saw any equipment just a
> monitor and keyboard. I could > > hazzard a guess though that most of the
> equipment was Cisco. ;-> > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From:
> Cisco Nuts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > > Sent: 29 January 2002 19:29
> > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Subject: Recent One-Day Lab Takers??
> [7:33592] > > > > > > Hello, > > > > Has anyone is this group taken the
> new one-day lab recently? Wanted to >know > > what kind of routers did
> you see, I mean is it now more than 6 routers or > > still just 6? What
> models? Is it 2 2513's or 2 2504's etc? And the switch, > > is it still
> the Cat5? Just wanted to gather this info. to build a lab and > > work on
> it......visualize that I am actually working on the real lab and > >
> busting my brains..... Thank you Cisco :-) > > > > Thanks! > > > > > > >
> > _________________________________________________________________ > >
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