as far as Boson test go, use the one that works for you..
I used the one by Bernard and it didn't work for me, I used
the one by Dennis and I think it prepares one for the written
test a great deal better...everyone has thier own method of
studying and choosing tools....

As far as implying that I spend my day posting to this board all day
and getting paid for it, that would be incorrect...But yes my company
does allow me to use the web and email to learn and converse with others
in my trade, which allows me to be a better, more knowledgeable network
person...and on occasion when I think I can help someone elseon here I
offer to give something back to the list since the list gives me a lot of
information that helped me thru the written as well as day to day

Lastly, I am not doing the CCIE for the money, I am doing it because I want
the cert and I will learn alot about the networking business by making
do the labs and prove to myself that I can do it and that I know what I
think I know..

Larry Letterman
Cisco Systems


Well, it did work for me and as you see I am going for the lab now.
Of course, ccbootcamp, Boson, cerificationzone these are all just tools. The
actual result varies depending on the person's capacity.

But, I am curious. Why do you want to become a CCIE?

I want to become a CCIE with the hope and anticipation of a better job, a
better income, and a better life.
You already have a better life. Your signature says you work for Cisco, and
are constantly on this list. This means you are getting paid for surfing and
chatting! This is an ultimate job. I love it.

I don't believe any other employer would give you so much leway  even if you
were holding a PhD in brainsurgery. Where I work, we are not allowd to surf
web and participate in newsgroups when we are on the clock :-(

Forget CCIE and hold on to your good Cisco Systems employer, and shoot me an
application form if they are hiring :-)

Best wishes,

A Strobel   (working on the lab exam....)

Quoting Larry Letterman :

> Bernard's test does not work well, I would advise
> using dennis L.'s boson # 3 test. Its a better test for
> written.
> Larry Letterman
> Cisco Systems
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 11:20 AM
> Subject: Re: CCIE Written Reading.. [7:41017]
> Kris,
> I am sure you will find tons of info on this subject in archives.
> Strategies are different from person to person.
> I used the following to pass my written:
> -Bruce Caslow's Book (1st or 2nd edition)
> -Boson #1 by Bernard
> -CCO
> You can add to your arsenal if you are an avid
> reader. They have excellent white papers.
> During the period that you wait and practice for you lab, you can read:
> Halabi
> Jeff Doyle (1 &2)
> BGP-4 by parkhurst
> and many more.
> Good luck,
> A Strobel ( working on the lab exam.........)
> Quoting Kris Keen :
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'll be preparing for the CCIE written exam very shortly, Im in the
> process
> > of building the tid bits for my lab and collecting the reading
> >
> > What books should I read at a min, and what would be even more
> advantgeous?
> >
> > I have all the CCNP books (Exam Cert Guides) and Doyles TCPIP Vol 1.
> >
> > Please help...
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Kris
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