> I am experiencing a similar problem, using one provider with two T1s.
> Utilization appears to significantly favor one interface over 
> the other.  I
> realize there will be some variation, but considering its a 
> discrepancy of
> 75% vs. 3% (these are numbers from our provider)....  I've 
> talked to the
> provider; each time I receive a different configuration.
> Is there a command that would better show the load 
> balancing/utilization
> rates.  I'm trying to become more familiar with BGP through 
> my CCNP studies,
> but haven't gotten that far yet....   Thanks in advance for the help!

I'm not sure I understand what you are describing. Are you saying that the
BGP routes you receive from your provider are mainly coming over one link
rather than the other? Or, are you saying that your inbound/outbound loads
are uneven? Can you be a little more specific, perhaps, even show some
snapshots of the interfaces? And your BGP neigh stats?

My first suspicion, (if you are talking about inbound/outbound traffic
loads) would be that caching has caused this load disparity. Do you know if
CEF was implemented?


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