The EOL URL referenced below is, in my opinion, one of the most incomplete 
"lists" on CCO.  Use it as a starting point by all means, but don't rely 
on it to cover everything that has been EOL'd, because it doesn't.

(Actually, it appears to be a little more complete now than it used to be 
- but it's still pretty hopeless).

----- Forwarded by Jenny Mcleod/NSO/CSDA on 29/04/2002 09:03 am -----

"[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Nemeth)" <nobody
27/04/2002 09:06 am
Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Nemeth)"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: Cisco 2900 XLs [7:42687]
Is this part of a business decision process?: 

On Sep 16,  1:23pm, "Michael L. Williams" wrote:
} I don't think the 2900XLs are discontinuted, however, I know Cisco is

     What you think is irrelevant!  The last of the 2900XL series were
discontinued on Nov. 1st, 2001.  Next time, instead of "think"ing, go
look at .

} Same with 3500s and 3550 (well the 3500's do have GBICs slots available,

     The last of the 3500XLs will be discontinued on July 27th, 2002.

}-- End of excerpt from "Michael L. Williams"

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