Well, it's good to hear that there will be more choices to study from once I
get to that point.

>From looking at review comments on Amazon, it appears that of the "Exam
Cram" series, only the switching book by Deal was any good.  I sent him an
email message (found an old posting of his on Amazon where he gave his
philosophy and background on testing) to find out if he knows of any errata
for his book, now that Coriolis is gone.

I'm more than half-way through Exam Prep Switching, and I'm not sure that
I'm going to bother finishing it.  While the grammar and spelling are fine,
it's the technical stuff that keeps coming up and catching my attention. 
Examples where the text doesn't match the router/switch configs they're
working through, test questions that don't make sense or have the wrong
answer, questions where the correct answer is "e", even though there are
only 4 choices, questions where the correct answer is "a,c,d", but no
instruction or grammar hint to pick more than one answer, etc.

I guess I'll try to sell the books on half.com while I still can.

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