As someone who was awarded a particular set of certifications based on
passing four beta tests, I may have a bit of insight here.

First of all, as you know, there are far more questions on the beta than you
would see on the real thing. All questions are analyzed based upon some
weighting of the stated experience of the test takers, in addition as to
whether or not the takers got the correct answer.

Granted, the experience weighting must be taken with a bit of salt. Some
folks understate their experience, thinking that this makes it easier for
them to pass, so I've heard.

But in general, a good statistical analysis of each question, right and
wrong answers, and weighted by stated experience SHOULD give a pretty good
idea as to whether or not the question is "fair".

Suppose that everyone who took the test missed question number 7 and
everyone also got question number 10 correct. One MIGHT conclude that #7 is
an unfair question because it is too hard, too ambiguous, too stupid,
whatever, and #10 is also unfair in the opposite sense - too easy. then the
analysts look at number 15, and they find that 80% of those with "strong"
experience got the question correct, while 80% of those with "little"
experience missed the question. The conclusion here MAY be that #15 is a
fair question.

So out of the 300 or so questions on the beta test, the analysis determines
that 175 of those questions are "fair". From there it is not so hard to
determine a scale, and from that a passing score.

No and I don't have a clue as to how that CCIE Security beta was graded. I
don't know anyone who passed, and I know a couple of folks with a couple of
years of very strong PIX and IDS experience who failed. I hear the security
Lab is a bummer too. ;->

Nigel, it hasn't been THAT long since you passed your Lab, has it? You
should still have about six months play time before you have to hit the
books again. :->

""Nigel Taylor""  wrote in message
> Folks,
>          I'm trying to understand how cisco went about grading this exam.
> Much like everyone else
> I too was told by Prometric when I called in that I had passed the exam
> however, the score report
> I received had something totally different in mind( yes I failed!)
> What I thought was strange was the passing score which was 45%.   I guess
> 44% leaves short of the mark.
> This beta reminds me of the "CCIE Security" beta in which not many folks
> the list passed.
> Good thing this test didn't count as a "recert credit".  I guess I'll be
> thinking about taking the
> recert exam sometime next year...:->
> Nigel
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael L. Williams"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 6:44 PM
> Subject: Re: CCIE Beta results [7:47144]
> > Are the scores starting to come in now?  I still haven't received mine
> > yet... =(
> >
> > Although, banking on the fact I would fail, I went ahead and took the
> > current written.... and passed, so I'm not too worried about the beta
> > results... just curious =)
> >
> > Mike W.
> >
> > "Semiglia Bodero"  wrote in message
> > > Did you receive the score?.

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