Daniel Lafraia wrote:

> If the new beta exam (351-001) will have its number changed
> to 350-001 how would you know for sure if you're going to
> take the new/old one? I mean. I called Prometric and they
> said you're able to register for the 350-001 even after
> August 1st (Maybe the registration date?). I missed the beta
> by 7% and I'd like to take the old test before it's retired.


Those of us who are preparing for the R/S exams are in a precarious
position, but I think it's going to stabilize in a few months.

To me, the big issue is: What are we most likely to be tested on?
Officially, for legal purposes, there have been claims that we're
responsbible for the entire IOS. However, I've seen statements at
cisco.com that certain technologies like IPX and TR are no longer part
of the R/S lab exam, and I expect there are some topics that have been
excluded from the qualifying exam (for example, we only need to know
the ATM UNI on the customer side, not the network side of the UNI or
NNI). And then there's the question of what has been added.

Later this month I hope to post a summary of my findings (mainly
questions and confusions!) and the sources of my information. If
anyone wants to send me what they've found, I'll include it in my

We're trying to hit a moving target. Everything's in flux. But things
will settle down in a few months when all (most?) of the relevant URLs 
at cisco.com have been updated to reflect cisco's vision of the new 
CCIE. These are exciting times, sometimes maybe just a little too 

-- TT
    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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