Aaron Ajello wrote:
> I'm working on my CCNP, just have CIT to go and when I have
> taken the first three, I just kindof flew through the questions
> before the test where Cisco asks about your experience level,
> whether or not you can configure things on your own or need
> help with a coworker, etc.
> Is it true that your answers will determine how the test is
> graded or what types of questions you will get on the actual
> test?  

No, your answers to the survey don't determine how the test is graded or the
types of questions you will get on the test. And aliens didn't land at
Roswell either. :-)

You should ask Cisco for the definitive answer, but I think numerous people
have before and we've discussed this on the list before, and that was the
answer. You could check the archives.

They ask you questions about your experience to help them validate the
questions. If a high percentage of newbies get a question wrong, but the
experienced people get it right, then it's a good question. And vice versa,
if the newbies get a question right but the experienced people don't, it
might be a bogus question, something like at what OSI layer does ARP run? ;-)

I've written tests in the past and that's how the data was used and I doubt
it has changed.


> I thought it was merely a survey so Cisco could get an
> idea of what types of backgrounds people had who were taking
> their tests.  But recently I read where someone says those
> questions will actually determine how Cisco tests you and which
> questions from the pool you will receive.
> This seems ridiculous to me, but I have to ask.
> thanks,
> Aaron

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