I have a requirement in which a single Headquarters PIX needs to VPN
over the internet to a single remote site which have two separate PIXes
(connected the same site LAN).  The goal is to introduce redundancy into
the VPN connection to the remote site.  Unfortunately, it has to be like
this due to the company's hardware limitations.

This is not a "classic" PIX failover configuration via the serial method
(515, 525, 535), but two separate PIX 506's connected separately to the
same LAN.

I can't find anywhere on CCO whether this config is supported, and the
TAC engineer is also clueless (he even said that he doesn't have a way
to LAB it up--can you believe that?.  This is Cisco we're talking about

Anyway, anybody ever done something like this?  Will this work?  Can
somebody test this?

BTW, I need to know ASAP, because the customer wants to implement this
immediately if it will work.



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