so can you title this post something other than "study strategy" since this
is a commercial endeavor?

hey - NRF - the real issue is the number of people unwilling to buy the cow
because they can get free milk at the study group food and network design
bank!!!!   :->
( reference to another thread )

"there ain't no such thing as a free lunch"
or maybe there is!

""Brian Zeitz""  wrote in message
> Sorry I have been really busy. Actually I need both 3550 switches in
> production because we have to deploy our app. I am designing (with some
> help) an e-commerce site. The site consists of two T1 lines, Pix
> firewall, both switches and Load balancers. Someone from the group is
> helping me with the design and setup. The one thing I was told about is
> Round Robin Routing which will be used on the 3550. The challenge was to
> use bandwidth of both T1s and have them redundant, but to re-route the
> traffic if any device (besides the router or T1) should fail, it should
> route the traffic to the other T1.

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