SNMP is not an option because it is disabled. In fact the
startup-configuration wasn't erased by mistake. The last admin did it
because he was fired.

> "what? you don't have all your passwords printed out in large type on a
> sheet
> of paper taped to the equipment rack? what kind of operation you running
> there?   :->"
> damn I really did LOL at this!
> sorry oscar I think you're screwed without some form of password, the snmp
> idea is good, but the question is do you have it setup for snmp?
> scott
> ""The Long and Winding Road""  wrote in
> message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ""oscar""  wrote in message
> > > Can I see the configuration of a Cisco router without a password
> recovery?
> > > The problem is that the configuration was removed from the
> startup-config
> > by
> > > mistake and nobody remember the password and a password recovery here
> > means
> > > loose the configuration.
> > >
> >
> > what? you don't have all your passwords printed out in large type on a
> sheet
> > of paper taped to the equipment rack? what kind of operation you running
> > there?   :->

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